What is a LocalYellowPages.co.in Account and what are the benefits?
“My Account” lets you connect to the LocalYellowpages.co.in by using a single email account and password. With a single confidential and secured subscription, My Yellow Pages Account makes it possible for you to Add your business, give your opinion on your favorite businesses, share your reviews and securely edit your personal information.
How do I “register/ login / make changesâ€
Click on "Register” on the Log in page. Type in your Name, Email address, Phone number and choose a password. Then click on 'Sign Up'. Follow verification of email address/phone Number to complete the registration process. Click on 'My Account' from the top navigation bar. Then Login with registered email id and password. After logging to “My Account”, Click on “profile” to make changes to your profile.
How to “add a business†to localyellowpages.co.in?
Click on "Submit Listing” Button on TOP, Enter the business information in the provided fields. Your added business will be available under in My Account Dashboard OR You can Add Your Business by directly going on here.
How to Update Business Page?
Go to “My account” dashboard and get on to “My business”. All the details can be updated from here about your business.
How to add business into “Featured Business†and how does it work?
Write an email to business@localyellowpages.co.in to get featured. “Featured Businesses” will be shown in the top position for relevant search results. As this is paid service, suitable charges will apply.
How to moderate my business reviews?
After logging into “My Account”, go to “My Business” and moderate comments for your businesses.
How to add business to “Favorites�
Click on “Star” symbol on your favorite business to make into “Favorite” list. This favorites section will be accessible through “My Account” dashboard.
How to “Advertise with Localyellowpages.co.in�
Write an email to advertise@localyellowpages.co.in mentioning advertising objective. Our business managers will contact you and explain proceedings. As this is paid services, suitable charges will apply.
How do I deactivate my account?
Please contact us and we'll do it for you!
I still need help. What should I do?
If you can't find an answer to your problem in the FAQ, go to the contact us page and describe your problem in detail. This will help us understand your problem and quickly find a solution.
Bhola Singh